Our Energy is currency.
Whether we choose to engage with it or not our energetic body dances, weaves, drops away, distorts, impacts, and expands. It vibrates over our edges as we sleep and synergistically swirls with us as we move through each day.
Our energy leaps into the quantum, it heals and surrounds the places and people we intentionally send it to and those that we don’t...
It weaves through our multidimensional selves in all timelines.
Energy cannot be destroyed, once you emit a transmission you cannot take it back, however you can transmute it. You can reclaim the frequencies sent that are of a lower vibration and infuse love and light and higher intentions, (all the good stuff) and recalibrate heaviness and denseness into light and expansive.
”When someone’s words match their vibration they are in alignment.”
A quote from Maryam Hasnaa that has stayed with me since the moment I read it.
The quote is simple and the energetic signature I received from these words is truth.
It can contextually be applied to a myriad of scenarios however at this moment I am thinking about marketing, and writing content for your business.
Writing into your latest offerings, intentionally calling in your soul-mate clients, speaking to a vast audience, hoping, and wishing for the best outcome your mind can conceive.
I’m going to switch the tone up a little here:
Old paradigm marketing recommends you “get to know your ideal client” to speak into cringe-worthy pain points and share all the tips and tricks you have leading them to think and believe, you are the key to resolving all their problems.
They neeeeeed you!
My energetic reading on this is dense AF!
It holds an energetic signature that is gnarly, piercing, and clawing. It’s intrusive and contracting, I’m suddenly hunched over, and my solar plexus feels tight.
Imagine this:
You forget about trying to figure out exactly who your picture-perfect client is.
What they look like, how old they are, where they eat, how they are struggling, blah blah blah…
Imagine if you focus on your why, your magic, your personal story, and the connection piece that lead you to this place where spirit, heart, and soul compelled you to launch the thing, do the thing, learn the modality, and step into your power and sovereignty.
Imagine focusing on expanding your energy so it becomes so big and bright those who are meant to receive your magic and wisdom innately become curious. They are guided towards you because their highest self knows that what you offer them will support them, even if they can’t articulate why, they just know they ‘want’ to be there.
Imagine tapping into all that juiciness while you write and create content.
The energy in your digital profile will match your physical vibration, your audience will resonate more deeply more authentically, and more vulnerably with you.
The new marketing strategy is alignment.
When your words match your vibration.
M x